Message from the Principal
Welcome to our P.S./M.S. 161 ~ Don Pedro Alibzu Campos School’s website. The home of the Panthers! The purpose of this webpage is to provide our school community and potential parents with easy access to a wealth of information on our P.S./M.S.161 programs, policies and activities.
Our P.S./M.S. 161 community is located on 134 street and Amsterdam Ave (District 5). We service approximately 625 students. The Don Pedro Albizu Campos School community is known for a long standing tradition of excellence in academics, debate, technology, dance/theatre and the arts. Programs currently available to all students are: Dual Language Program beginning from Kindergarten, Transition Bilingual Special Education, General Education, Integrated Co-Teaching, as well as Self Contained Special Education. We are committed to fostering the development of the whole child and it is our mission to prepare our students for our ever changing world.
P.S./M.S. 161 is an amazing place where our scholars are able to learn and showcase their talents. Our teachers and staff are committed to a high learning experience focused on the specific needs of our students. We tailor instruction to fit the needs of each of our scholars. We aim to be creative and innovative in our instruction and engage all students in their learning through a variety of STEAM activities and 21st century learning.
Our goal is to encourage self-discovery and individuality through a supportive, safe and nurturing environment. We aim to ensure that our scholars achieve their dreams and find success in reaching their full potential. We are committed to providing rigorous instruction with an emphasis on culturally responsive experiences where students' cultural strengths are identified, acknowledged and celebrated. We strongly believe in the importance of social emotional learning and supporting our students to learn life long skills.
At P.S./M.S.161, we believe in working closely with our parents and families to help students achieve their fullest potential. We provide our parents with ongoing support, collaborative partnerships with teachers and staff and tailored workshops to ensure the success of our scholars.
For more information about our school community, kindly reach to our Parent Coordinator ~ Mr. Williams (kwilliams2@schools.nyc.gov). Please also check out our website for a list of programs and activities at P.S./M.S.161 under Programs/Activities.
If you need general information or wish to directly contact our staff, you may use the Staff Directory on our website or call 212-690-5945.
Panther P.R.I.D.E ~ Participate positively - Respect self and others, I can think independently, Demonstrate safety, Engage in learning
In partnership,
Jasmira Caceres - School Principal